Metal sculpture "Conversations"

Conversations is an interactive sculpture of metal that gravitates around the theme of human communication. Through the use of a single form and its contour, four masks are being represented in their profile stressing the effect of dialogue between abstract figures that are turned towards each other. Placed on a base that allows their individual rotation, the observer can determine they type of dialogue among the masks each time. Different combinations create a different scenery, a conservation that could occur in a group, in pairs or not all.
Even if it doesn’t consist of a realistic depiction of the human body, each protagonist is unique, with sharper angles or curvier softer lines, with a rusted or a mat surface of the metal. This variety expresses the diversity in the point of views in a conversation. This last one is highlighted through the game of shadow that multiplies the masks and the opinions.

Dimensions: H 170 x W 42 x L 42 cm

Materials: Steel

Date: 2013

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Metal sculpture "Conversations"