Metal sculpture "Mask Trilogy"

Constructed in collaboration with Ateliers Melens & Dejardin chaudronnerie , Gilles Libert & Guy Zinnen

The mask trilogy is a wall-mounted sculpture, featuring three masks in brushed steel whose eyes are covered by a steel ribbon painted in blue.

References to the greek culture and mythology are subtly incorporated into the work. The representation of the masks is inspired by the Medusa, as well as by the Macedonian masks of kings of the Bronze age. The ribbon in 3D, covering the eyes like a veil, alludes to the sacred religious rituals in Ancient Greece. It breaks the static aspect of the composition by connecting the three masks; while evoking a a sense of reverence and solemnity. Ribbons and strings are often used in the artist’s work, symbolising the invisible and intangible elements of the human existance that connect us to our environment, like time, memories, feelings and ties.

The sculpture is positioned in a certain distance from the wall to create a play of depth and perspective, shadows and light. Rejecting everything superfluous in a minimal aesthetic; the line evolves from faces to forms, merging contemporary design with a sense of ancient tradition.

Dimensions: H 55 x W 5 x L 240 cm

Materials: Steel

Date: 2023

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Metal sculpture "Mask Trilogy"